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Critical Theory and Pedagogy

Henry Giroux - Arming the Academy: Universities in the Shadow of the National Security State

In Academic Matters (October 2007), pp. 9-12. Dr. Giroux addresses how the community can influence the university - in this case, the military-industrial complex.

Henry Giroux - Higher Education Under Siege: Implications for Public Intellectuals

In Thought & Action, ( Fall 2006) pp. 63- 78. Dr. Giroux asks and discusses the question: "What is the task of educators at a time when mainstream American culture is increasingly characterized by a declining interest in and misgiving about national politics?

Henry Giroux - Cultural Studies, Public Pedagogy, and the Responsibility of Intellectuals

In Communications and Critical/Cultural Studies Journal, Vol 1, No, 1. pgs.59 - 79. Cultural studies seem to have passed into the shadows of academic interests, replaced by globalization and political economy as the new millennium's privileged concerns among left academics. Yet, cultural studies' longstanding interest in the interrelationship of power, politics, and culture remains critically important.


L. Nichol - Wholeness Regained - Revisiting Bohm's Dialogue

Beginning in 1985, David Bohm put forward a series of propositions regarding a new vision for contemporary dialogue. This vision received considerable attention throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe. But despite such widespread interest in Bohm's vision, the sustainability of dialogue seems to have been erratic, even meager. (PDF version within journal also available here)

J. A. Cheyne & D. Tarulli- Dialogue, Difference, and the "Third Voice" in the Zone of Proximal Development

Available in (1999) Theory and Psychology, 9, 5-28. "In recent years many similarities, especially centering on the notion of dialogue, have been noted in the writings of Mikhail Bakhtin and Lev Vygotsky. Although both attend to the dialogical character of speech and its role in the social constitution and genesis of mind, we argue that their understandings of dialogue are different in important ways. We then consider the implications of such differences for a broader cultural-historical view of the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD) by focusing on three issues: dialogue, otherness, and the need to consider a "third" voice."

G.Prawda - Socratic Dialogue: Authenticity: Is it possible to be authentic?

This is a rendition of a Socratic Dialogue which hopes to demonstrate what this exercise entails for those who are unfamiliar with this type of inquiry. The backgrounds of participants was quite diverse from teaching to architectural designing. This dialogue was set up as a one-day inquiry.

H. Bolten - Managers Develop Moral Accountability: The Impact of Socratic Dialogue

Appeared in: Reason in Practice, The Journal of Philosophy of Mangagement, Vol. 1/3, p. 21-34. Reason in Practice Limited, Oxted. In this paper the Dutch consultant philosopher Hans Bolten reports on how Socratic dialogue has helped managers develop ethical capacities and responsibility. Drawing on research with dialogue members he concludes that organisations that care about ethics cannot rely on abstract moral codes and rules. He argues that they need Socratic dialogue as an instrument if their managers are to shape moral guidelines they both agree upon and can apply in practice.

Modern Socratic Dialogue

While the Modern Socratic Dialogue derives its name from Socrates, it is not an imitation of a Platonic dialogue and it is not simply a teaching strategy using questions and answers. It is a method of painstaking inquiry into the ideas, concepts and values which influence the real decisions we make in everyday life.